Fees and Charges
By enrolling in the course, you agree to pay the course fees using the payment method you have selected.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
You are eligible for a full refund of fees paid only if you, the user, requests a refund within 14 days from the course purchase date and the course has not been accessed. Any requests for a refund must be made in writing to [email protected].
You can opt to transfer the course to a different person employed by the same company listed in your user profile. Transfers will only be granted if you, the user, requests a transfer within 14 days from the course purchase date and the course has not been accessed. Any requests for a transfer must be made in writing to [email protected].
B Lab Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand does not offer refunds or transfers outside of the 14 day period under any circumstances.
Course purchase date
Unless otherwise agreed, the course purchase date is considered the date when you, the user, first enrols in the course.